Tag Archives: renovations

I went for a run this morning, really enjoying it. Tried testing my top speed over a km, it was about 5:30 each way. Though it was up and down a largish hill as typical of Lilli Pilli so I will try again on the flat when I have more time one morning.

Sailing yesterday was windy, bom confirms it at 20-27 knots while we were out. We had great boat handling and no wipe outs despite some close moments. Speed was good partly because there wasn’t normal Harbour chop, seems like everyone stayed home. The other B14 went in before the race and the 12′ skiffs buggered off somewhere by themselves, so we didn’t actually race anyone but we did a few laps and had a good time.

I sent some uni kids out in a Tasar thinking that they were good sailors and would cope with the conditions – they did – but snapped a solid cast rudder box, one of the few pieces of uni equipment I did not think was about to fall apart. Here’s to spending large amounts of money on our boats… and updating lots of our website… and keeping track of our loose cannon of a fellow president as we try to organise a very large regatta… and trying to get someone to succeed me for next year. I am so not cut out for event management. Bloody hell.

Not even to start on uni work, moving all our kitchen & living room out for house renovations, and some attempt to actually have a life for myself.